Published on 05/02/2018 9:01 am
Best Way to Kill the Silent Killer - Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is the leading cause of heart attack, stroke, vascular dementia, and peripheral artery disease. It makes this dreadful disease, often silent clinically and invisible on angiograms, the number one killer stalking people over 45, many of whom die suddenly and unexpectedly in their most productive period of life.

The best way to have relief from such a silent killer is to have our Natural Atherosclerosis Treatment. The micro nutritional artery cleansing, a perfect example of the orthomolecular approach to atherosclerosis is a time-tested concept aimed at helping reduce the effects of the plaque buildup by addressing the cause of the problem by eliminating the factors which created the buildup in the first place. As such, it provides a comprehensive support for the entire, from head to toes, circulatory system. Hence we have made our treatment based on this very principle.

Natural Atherosclerosis Treatment

We now know, (although not everybody agrees) that atherosclerosis can resolve if we quit feeding it with the meat-, dairy-, and sugar-based Western Diet, such as the S.A.D. If you were to list the factors that increase the risk of heart disease and stroke – just about any illness – this diet has them all.

During the nutritional arterial cleansing, it is necessary to change eating habits and preferences by paying more attention to the foods you eat, namely their type, amount, and quality.

Having our Natural Atherosclerosis Treatment, you need to eliminate having concentrated sugar, desserts-baked items, sweet beverages, any nature of alcohol and limit the intake of red meat. Instead of having these, you need to have more of dark green leafy vegetables. Green leafy vegetables also contain compounds known as thylakoids that trigger satiety signals in humans to help people regulate food intake, prevent weight gain, and promote weight loss.

Natural Atherosclerosis Treatment

You also need to perform certain cardiovascular exercises so that you remain fit and healthy. If you are under 65 years of age, the guidelines are broken into categories: we suggest 30 minutes of moderate cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise five days a week. The alternative is a more vigorous cardiovascular exercise for 20 minutes, three days a week. If you are older than 65 years of age, the new guidelines suggest the same goals as for those under 65, but we also recommend adding exercises for balance to reduce the risk of falling.

Here are two irrefutable facts that have been proven true over and over again: We are NOT completely helpless when it comes to heart disease and stroke. Atherosclerosis is NOT incurable as standard mass medicine wants us to believe. We believe these when we offer the best of Natural Atherosclerosis Treatment.

If you wish to have such a treatment then you need to be with Full of Health. We are a private, independent bio-energy healing and nutritional practice specializing in micro-nutrition. We have tested our product for over twenty years and secondly, we have many satisfied customers who have benefited having our help. So, be sure to have the best of help when you are with us

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